Missouri Supreme Court Increases Maximum Child Support Overnight Credit

The Missouri Supreme Court has recently issued an order that, effective, January 1, 2012, increases the maximum allowable Form 14 child support overnight credit to 50%. Specifically, on the Form 14, which is Missouri's child support calculation formula, the non-custodial (paying) parent is given a credit for the number of overnights that parent spends with the child. The default amounts for periods of overnights totaling 109 or fewer annually remain unchanged, but for total overnights that exceed 109 per year, the allowable credit has been increased from the old maximum of 34% to a new maximum of 50%, but it is still at the discretion of the Court. The new line 11 overnight credit amounts are as follows:

Annual overnights Credit

Less than 36 0%

36-72 6%

73-91 9%

92-109 10%

110+ 10-50% at the discretion of the Court

Note however that in order for the paying parent to be eligible for the overnight credit, the parent recieving the child support must meet minimuim income requirements.