» Financial Issues

Person filing for income taxes and changing the marital status. Visual concept for a family law blog discussing tax tips for filing after divorce.

Filing for Taxes After a Divorce

Divorce can bring many changes to your life, including your financial situation. There are various tax implications when it comes to parting ways with your spouse to be aware of — and your taxes may look very different after divorce than they did d… Read More
Money is wasting away. Visual concept for a legal blog discussing squandering marital assets in divorce.

Recent Case Addresses the Issue of Squandering Marital Assets

Property division is a crucial issue in divorce. Under Missouri law, property and assets acquired during the course of the marriage must be distributed between spouses in a manner that is equitable — meaning fair. However, the process of dividing p… Read More
Social security card mixed in with money as a visual concept for family law blog on Divorce and Social Security Benefits.

Divorce and Social Security Benefits

Divorce can have a significant financial impact on your future. In addition to dividing property, debts, and assets — as well as determining things like alimony and child support — social security benefits should also be considered when spouses p… Read More
Broken heart on dollar banknote - Concept of how is debt divided in divorce.

How is Debt Divided in a Missouri Divorce?

Marriage is a financial relationship as well as an emotional one. During a marriage, a couple may acquire not only property together, but also debts. If you and your spouse are parting ways and you’ve incurred a substantial amount of debt, you may… Read More
Personal financial planning concept for financial fresh start after divorce.

10 Tips for a Financial Fresh Start After Divorce

Ending a marriage can result in many changes to your life, especially when it comes to your finances. While you’re going through the divorce process, it’s important to develop a comprehensive financial plan for your post-divorce life. By taking a… Read More
IRS refund check and 1040 tax form

What Happens to a Coronavirus Stimulus Check that Arrives During a Divorce?

The global coronavirus pandemic is a truly unprecedented event in modern history. It has caused extensive upheavals across Missouri, the United States, and the world. Much of our society has slowed to almost a halt as people practice “social distan… Read More
Earned income tax credit form

Which Parent Can Claim the Children on their Taxes After a Divorce in Missouri?

Divorce is a difficult, often messy process that requires many tough decisions. Who will get which assets? Who will be responsible for which debts? Where will the children live, and how often will they see the other parent? The list of questions goes… Read More

In Missouri, party waives right to appeal when a Judgment is entered by consent/agreement

Party waives right to appeal when a Judgment is entered by consent/agreement. Recent case from the Missouri Court of Appeals: Parties cannot appeal a Judgment that was entered by Stipulation (agreement). Father and Mother entered into a stipulation w… Read More

Spousal support awarded in 6.5 year marriage

Recent case from the Court of Appeals: Husband appeals from the trial court’s judgment, dissolving his marriage Wife, dividing the parties’ marital property, and ordering him to pay maintenance. On appeal, Husband asserts that the trial court err… Read More

Child Support Overnight Credit Denied if Recipient's Income is Below Threshhold

Recent Case-Missouri Court of Appeals: Father appeals denial of overnight credit in child support case. In a judicial action for child support where the non-custodial parent has overnight parenting time with the child(ren), he or she is entitled to a… Read More